
POI Community of Care


Poi is an initiative by the Hospices of Auckland to help general practice and residential care deliver the best possible quality of life for patients and their family/whānau during a person's final months.

General practice and residential care joining Poi will build skills and confidence in palliative care. 

Poi enables:

  • Consistent identification of people with palliative needs
  • Payments for the development of a simple palliative plan witth patient and whānau
  • Discussion with a specialist hospice team
  • Improved linkage to community support for your patient
  • Opportunities to access coaching and support packages to build palliative care skills.

Consistent, high-quality palliative care that aligns with regional HealthPathways

If you are in general practice or are a residential care facility and want to further build your team's skills and confidence in the palliative approach please visit the website or contact POI Clinical Resource Team at Tōtara Hospice. // Poi booking scheduling system

Poi Key Staff