
Sunday, 01 December 2019

Helping you expand the mind-body-spirit connection in Palliative Care

Session one:

"Compassion: The Dance of Vulnerability and Strength” presented by Dr Rob Rutledge
This experiential presentation includes practical ways to maintain compassion and resilience in the midst of suffering, and the role of vulnerability,  heartfulness and strength in coming home to our best selves.

Session two:

“Spirituality at the End of Life”. Presented by Rev. David Maginley
At the end of life, spirituality has the power to engage suffering in such a way as to amplify love and open us to the mystery of death. Explore this nebulous facet of our humanity through moving stories, solid research and practical tools that deepen our presence as we contemplate our own inevitable transformation.

Session three:

“Expanding your Intimacy Profile - Connection, Intimacy, Healthy Sexuality and more” Presented by Dr. Gabriela Ilie 
Audience members will learn about the dozens of types of intimacy, and ways they like to connect with others even up to the last days of their lives. The intimacy profile exercise helps people reflect on how they might balance their lives, and feel more connected, and compassionate to others and self.

Totara Hospice Conference Room
140 Charles Prevost Drive, The Gardens, Manurewa

Please RSVP to Totara Hospice Reception by the 17th of November | 09 640 0025

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