Claim tax credit for your donations name

Claim tax credit for your donations

For every dollar that you donate to registered charities, you are able to claim back 33.3 cents as a tax credit.  Totara Hospice is an approved donee organisation – which means any donations of $5 or more are eligible for a tax credit.

To request your donation tax credit is a simple process you can do online with the Inland Revenue (IRD) website by simply uploading a pdf, photo or scanned copy of your tax receipt/s once you have registered for a donation tax credit account. This can be done each time you make a donation throughout the year, or for our regular givers this can be done using your annual receipt. You are also able to claim for up to four years previously, if you have not already done so.

Credits are paid into a nominated bank account, if you would like your donation to Make Hospice Happen again by impacting on the lives of our patients and families living with terminal illness, you can do this by donating your donation tax credit back to Totara Hospice – simply search for our name and IRD will take care of the rest.

If you would like a copy of your annual receipt please contact the Database Administrator on 09 640 0250 or to request a copy.